Move for a Cause!
June 7 – 14, 2020 Race Judicata is a 5k run/walk benefiting Anchorage Youth Court. Due to concerns around COVID-19, this year's event has been modified to a virtual race. We encourage participants to safely get outside and run, walk, or hike anytime during the allotted time frame. Here's how it works: 1. Register today! 2. Choose your MOVE! This year’s race is virtual – complete it at any time/anyplace the week of June 7 - 14. Run the traditional Race Judicata course at Westchester Lagoon, family hike, kayak, ride your bike or any other activity that will make you MOVE! 3. Post and show your support - tag AYC on your social channels! $25 adults/$30 with furry friend/$15 youth Individuals may participate any time between June 7, 2020 – June 14, 2020. |
Race Judicata is an annual run/walk organized by the Anchorage Bar Association's Young Lawyers Section. Proceeds from the race go to benefit Anchorage Youth Court's juvenile diversion and after school program.
Office HoursMonday - Thursday
12pm - 5pm |
Phone fAXMain line: 907.274.5986 907.272.0491 Volunteer Coordinator cell:
907.632.0966 AYC ED, Alysyn Thibault: 907-753-6949 Peer Navigator: 907-753-6931 Legal Advisor: 907-274-5915 |
Address838 West 4th Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99501 |
General: [email protected]
AYC ED: Legal Advisor: [email protected] |